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Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System – GTO FAQs

As you may be aware through recent communications, NAEN has been advocating on behalf of our national GTO network to the Government to clarify some common questions around the impacts relating to the new Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System.

Please find below links to information received from DEWR, in response to some of our questions.


Response to GTO Network questions [NOTE: COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE, for NAEN member GTOs information only – not to be shared or distributed]


From DEWR: Key points to note for the Incentive System:

  • The purpose of the  Incentive System is to provide targeted support to priority occupations, whilst  continuing some support for non-priority occupations. This approach was determined to be the most effective for strengthening the targeted Australian Government investment to priority occupations.
  • Eligibility in relation to the new incentives  is largely determined by the Priority List and AASN providers will assist in determining the eligibility for these incentives.
  • Part-time or full time status does not determine eligibility. Employers of a part time apprentice in a priority occupation may be eligible for the priority wage subsidy as a percentage of their wage paid. An employer of a part-time apprentice in a non-priority occupation may be eligible for a part-time rate of the Hiring Incentive.
  • While we understand that the employers preference would be a continuation of the COVID-19 response measures, these levels were a temporary boost.
  • The Incentive System may not be the best fit for all scenarios, however it has been designed to provide benefit in line with government priorities and to provide the best outcomes in the majority of cases.


General FAQ Factsheets – Information for GTOs 

Helpful links:


AAIS GTO webinar held 29 June 2022:


Incentives System GTO webinar held 16 December 2022