NAEN Board Director Nominations now open

1st October 2024

Dear Members

The National Apprentice Employment Network Board (NAEN) is formally calling for nominations to fill three (3) Member-Elected Director positions at the upcoming Annual General Meeting – scheduled to be held as a hybrid meeting, with physical location in Canberra on 6 December 2024.

Please refer to the attached letter ‘NAEN Board Positions Nominations letter 2024’.

As outlined, also attached are forms that nominating individuals will need to read and complete:

Nominations close midnight Tuesday, 15 October 2024.

Thank you for your contribution to this process, which ensures that we have committed Board Directors for the national network.


Kind regards

Dianne Dayhew




Dianne Dayhew
CEO, Company Secretary, NAEN

02 9299 6099 | 0488 481 311 |



For more information download this document

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