Update on the Building Women's Careers Program
16th October 2024
Good afternoon Members and AEN colleagues
Just received from DEWR, note grant programs announced for Building Women’s Careers. Guidelines to be announced in late October.
Kind regards
Update on the Building Women's Careers Program
Good afternoon,
We are pleased to provide details about the Building Women’s Careers (BWC) Program.
About the BWC Program
The Australian Government will invest $55.6 million in the BWC Program to drive systemic structural and cultural change in training and work environments critical to the Future Made in Australia initiative.
The BWC Program will fund both large-scale partnership projects and smaller, place-based partnerships to advance structural and cultural change to improve women’s access to flexible, safe and inclusive training and work opportunities in the key male-dominated industries and sectors of:
- construction
- advanced manufacturing
- clean energy
- digital and technology.
Exciting update on the BWC Program
The BWC Program includes $50 million delivered through a Grant Opportunity for partnership projects.
Grant Opportunity will include two streams
- Industry/Sector-led partnership projects
- Community-led partnership projects.
Stream One: Industry/Sector-led partnership projects
The project partnership members must collectively employ more than 1,000 employees within the construction, clean energy, advanced manufacturing and/or digital and technology industries/sectors.
The project partnership must include a minimum of 4 partner organisations (including the lead applicant), consisting of at least one of each of the following:
- an employer
- a registered union
- a TAFE or not-for-profit registered training organisation (RTO), and
- a community organisation or registered charity or not-for-profit organisation.
The lead applicant must be:
- an industry-based employer, or
- registered union, or
- community organisation with a proven track record of large partnership programs with these industries/sectors.
Stream Two: Community-led partnership projects
The project partnership must include a minimum of 3 partner organisations, including the lead applicant, consisting of at least one of each of the following:
- a place-based community organisation or registered charity or not-for-profit organisation (lead)
- an employer, and
- at least one other partner applicant type from the list below.
The lead applicant must be a place-based community organisation or registered charity or not for-profit organisation.
Other partner application types:
- an industry body
- a registered union
- a TAFE or not-for-profit RTO
- a not-for-profit organisation
- a Group Training Organisation (GTO)
- a local government body
- a community organisation
- a registered charity
- an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation, or
- an Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisation.
Note: Unions, employers and/or industry bodies must be from within the construction, clean energy, advanced manufacturing and/or digital and technology industries/sectors.
Next Steps
The Grant Opportunity Guidelines will be released in late October, with information and the application form to be published on GrantConnect. Information around eligibility requirements, selection criteria, and required attachments will be included in the Guidelines when they become available.
We encourage potential applicants to start considering opportunities to form partnerships, and once opened, to review requirements for applying as soon as possible.
Further information will be available when the Grant Guidelines are released in late October.
Please visit Building Women's Careers Program - Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Australian Government (dewr.gov.au) to keep up to date on the BWC Program.
Kind regards,
Building Women’s Careers
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
GPO Box 9880
Canberra ACT 2601